We are a group of medical professionals dedicated to provide you a warm and personalized health care like no other.
Contact UsWelcome to UbudCare Clinic, your trusted healthcare provider in Ubud dan Canggu. Our experienced doctors in Ubud offer comprehensive care, from routine check-ups and dental services to psychiatry. Whether you need urgent or preventive care, UbudCare is here to help both locals and travelers in Bali. Choose UbudCare Clinic, the leading Ubud clinic, for quality healthcare during your stay in Bali
UbudCare Clinic offers a full range of healthcare services, including general consultations, dental care, and mental health support. We provide high-quality care for locals and international visitors, with 24/7 service and a personalized approach to meet your medical needs in Bali.
"The Art of Caring" reflects our commitment to providing compassionate and personalized healthcare that addresses each individual's unique needs. We combine expert medical care with genuine empathy, ensuring that every patient feels valued and supported. At the core of everything we do, the art of caring guides us to offer not just treatments, but thoughtful and attentive care that fosters trust, comfort, and healing.
We provide exceptional healthcare tailored to your needs, delivered by experienced professionals in state-of-the-art facilities. With a focus on compassionate care, we ensure your comfort, safety, and satisfaction—whether it’s for routine check-ups, emergencies, or specialized services. Experience personalized care that puts your well-being first.
A health checkup is a thorough assessment of your overall health, typically conducted by a healthcare professional. It involves various diagnostic tests, physical exams, and health screenings to identify underlying conditions, even before symptoms arise. Regular health checkups play a vital role in preventive healthcare, as they help detect issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and certain cancers early, making treatment more effective.Benefit Of Regular Medical CheckUp:Early Detection of Health Problems : The most significant benefit of health checkups is the early detection of potential health problems. Conditions like high cholesterol, diabetes, and certain cancers may not initially show symptoms. However, with regular screenings, you can catch these problems early and prevent complications. Early diagnosis increases the chances of successful treatment and recovery.Monitoring Chronic Conditions : Suppose you have any existing health conditions, such as asthma, hypertension, or heart disease. In that case, regular health checkups allow your doctor to monitor your progress. This ensures that your treatment plan is adjusted and helps manage chronic conditions more effectively.Prevention of Future Health Issues : In addition to identifying existing health problems, regular checkups allow healthcare professionals to provide advice on how to prevent future issues. Your doctor might recommend lifestyle changes, including a healthier diet, increased physical activity, or stress management techniques, which can significantly improve your overall health.Improved Health Outcomes : Regular health screenings lead to better overall health outcomes. By identifying risk factors early, you can take proactive steps to mitigate them. For example, regular blood tests can identify deficiencies or imbalances that may affect your health over time, allowing you to make timely adjustments to your lifestyle and medical care.What Should You Expect During a Health Checkup?A typical health checkup involves a range of tests and evaluations, depending on your age, medical history, and health risks. Typical components of a health checkup include:Physical Examination: Checking your vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, and weight.Blood Tests: Assessing cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and other key health indicators.Immunizations: Ensuring that your vaccinations are up to date, especially for travel or age-specific immunizations.Cancer Screenings: Depending on your age and risk factors, tests like mammograms, colonoscopies, or skin exams may be recommended.Lifestyle Assessment: Discussing diet, exercise habits, mental health, and other lifestyle factors.How Often Should You Have a Health Checkup?The frequency of health checkups varies based on your age, health history, and risk factors. Generally, it’s recommended that adults undergo a checkup at least once a year. Your doctor may recommend more frequent visits if you have chronic conditions or a family history of certain diseases.Prioritize Preventive Care with Regular Health CheckupsRegular health checkups are essential for maintaining good health and preventing severe conditions. They offer the opportunity for early detection, better management of existing health issues, and prevention of future health problems. Schedule your next health screening today and take proactive steps towards a healthier future.For more information on preventive healthcare and the importance of health checkups, contact our clinic today!
Traveling is an exciting opportunity to explore new places, but it can also impact your health. Long flights and unfamiliar foods can pose several challenges that may disrupt your well-being. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, maintaining good health is essential to enjoy your trip fully. In this article, we will discuss the top travel health tips to help you feel your best while on the go.Stay HydratedTraveling frequently requires many hours on airplanes or vehicles, which can lead to dehydration. Dehydration may cause fatigue, headaches, and difficulty concentrating. To stay hydrated during your journey, keep a refillable water bottle and drink plenty of fluids. It's also best to avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, as both can further dehydrate your body.Prioritize SleepJet lag and irregular schedules can disrupt your sleep cycle, making adjusting to a new time zone harder. To combat this, try to maintain a consistent sleep routine. Pack a travel pillow, eye mask, and earplugs to ensure a good night’s rest, even on long flights.Practice Good HygieneAirports, train stations, and public restrooms are hotspots for germs. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer when soap isn’t available. Wipe down surfaces like airplane trays, armrests, and hotel remotes with disinfectant wipes to minimize the risk of infections.Choose Healthy FoodsIndulging in local cuisine is part of the travel experience but be mindful of what you eat. Avoid raw or undercooked foods, especially in places with questionable food safety standards. Stick to bottled water, and peel fruits and vegetables yourself. Eating balanced meals with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and proteins can help sustain your energy during your trip.Stay ActiveIt’s easy to skip exercise while traveling but staying active is important for both physical and mental health. Take short walks during layovers, use hotel gyms, or explore your destination on foot. Activities like yoga or stretching can also help relieve muscle tension after long hours of sitting.Prepare a Travel Health KitPack a small travel health kit with essentials such as pain relievers, motion sickness medication, antacids, and any required prescription medications. For added precaution, include a thermometer, band-aids, and hand sanitizer. If you’re traveling to a tropical or high-risk area, consult a healthcare provider for recommended vaccinations or medications.Know the Nearest Healthcare FacilityBefore you travel, research the nearest clinics or hospitals at your destination. This is especially important if you have pre-existing conditions or are traveling to remote areas. For international trips, ensure you have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies.Bonus Tip: Get Travel VaccinationsMany destinations require specific vaccinations to protect against diseases such as yellow fever, typhoid, or hepatitis. Visit your doctor or a travel clinic at least a month before your trip to get the necessary immunizations.Staying healthy while traveling doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these tips—hydrating, sleeping well, maintaining hygiene, eating wisely, staying active, and preparing for potential health issues—you can enjoy your journey without compromising your well-being. Safe travels!
Diabetes sendiri merupakan penyakit yang disebakan oleh tingginya kadar gula darah akibat gangguan pada pankreas dan insulin. Untuk itu mari cegah Diabetes dengan perilaku CERDIK:Cek kesehatan secara teraturEnyahkan asap rokok.Rajin melakukan aktivitas fisik minimal 30 menit sehariDiet yang seimbang dengan mengkonsumsi makanan sehat dan gizi seimbangIstirahat yang cukupKelola stress dengan baik dan benar.Selain itu menjaga pola makan juga sangat berpengaruh dalam mengendailkan diabetes. Unutk itu kita bisa menerapkan prinsipm diet diabetes dengan aturan 3J:Jumlah makanan yang dikonsumsi disesuaikan dengan BB memadai yaitu BB yang dirasa nyaman untuk seorang diabetesi Jumlah makanan yang dikonsumsi disesuaikan dengan hasil konseling giziJenis makanan utama yang dikonsumsi da[at disesuaikan dengan konsep piring makan model TJadwal makan terdiri dari 3x makan utama dan 2-3x makanan selingan mengikuti prinsip porsi kecilsumber:p2ptm.kemkes.go.id
A health checkup is a thorough assessment of your overall health, typically conducted by a healthcare professional. It involves various diagnostic tests, physical exams, and health screenings to identify underlying conditions, even before symptoms arise. Regular health checkups play a vital role in preventive healthcare, as they help detect issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and certain cancers early, making treatment more effective.Benefit Of Regular Medical CheckUp:Early Detection of Health Problems : The most significant benefit of health checkups is the early detection of potential health problems. Conditions like high cholesterol, diabetes, and certain cancers may not initially show symptoms. However, with regular screenings, you can catch these problems early and prevent complications. Early diagnosis increases the chances of successful treatment and recovery.Monitoring Chronic Conditions : Suppose you have any existing health conditions, such as asthma, hypertension, or heart disease. In that case, regular health checkups allow your doctor to monitor your progress. This ensures that your treatment plan is adjusted and helps manage chronic conditions more effectively.Prevention of Future Health Issues : In addition to identifying existing health problems, regular checkups allow healthcare professionals to provide advice on how to prevent future issues. Your doctor might recommend lifestyle changes, including a healthier diet, increased physical activity, or stress management techniques, which can significantly improve your overall health.Improved Health Outcomes : Regular health screenings lead to better overall health outcomes. By identifying risk factors early, you can take proactive steps to mitigate them. For example, regular blood tests can identify deficiencies or imbalances that may affect your health over time, allowing you to make timely adjustments to your lifestyle and medical care.What Should You Expect During a Health Checkup?A typical health checkup involves a range of tests and evaluations, depending on your age, medical history, and health risks. Typical components of a health checkup include:Physical Examination: Checking your vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, and weight.Blood Tests: Assessing cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and other key health indicators.Immunizations: Ensuring that your vaccinations are up to date, especially for travel or age-specific immunizations.Cancer Screenings: Depending on your age and risk factors, tests like mammograms, colonoscopies, or skin exams may be recommended.Lifestyle Assessment: Discussing diet, exercise habits, mental health, and other lifestyle factors.How Often Should You Have a Health Checkup?The frequency of health checkups varies based on your age, health history, and risk factors. Generally, it’s recommended that adults undergo a checkup at least once a year. Your doctor may recommend more frequent visits if you have chronic conditions or a family history of certain diseases.Prioritize Preventive Care with Regular Health CheckupsRegular health checkups are essential for maintaining good health and preventing severe conditions. They offer the opportunity for early detection, better management of existing health issues, and prevention of future health problems. Schedule your next health screening today and take proactive steps towards a healthier future.For more information on preventive healthcare and the importance of health checkups, contact our clinic today!
Traveling is an exciting opportunity to explore new places, but it can also impact your health. Long flights and unfamiliar foods can pose several challenges that may disrupt your well-being. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, maintaining good health is essential to enjoy your trip fully. In this article, we will discuss the top travel health tips to help you feel your best while on the go.Stay HydratedTraveling frequently requires many hours on airplanes or vehicles, which can lead to dehydration. Dehydration may cause fatigue, headaches, and difficulty concentrating. To stay hydrated during your journey, keep a refillable water bottle and drink plenty of fluids. It's also best to avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, as both can further dehydrate your body.Prioritize SleepJet lag and irregular schedules can disrupt your sleep cycle, making adjusting to a new time zone harder. To combat this, try to maintain a consistent sleep routine. Pack a travel pillow, eye mask, and earplugs to ensure a good night’s rest, even on long flights.Practice Good HygieneAirports, train stations, and public restrooms are hotspots for germs. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer when soap isn’t available. Wipe down surfaces like airplane trays, armrests, and hotel remotes with disinfectant wipes to minimize the risk of infections.Choose Healthy FoodsIndulging in local cuisine is part of the travel experience but be mindful of what you eat. Avoid raw or undercooked foods, especially in places with questionable food safety standards. Stick to bottled water, and peel fruits and vegetables yourself. Eating balanced meals with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and proteins can help sustain your energy during your trip.Stay ActiveIt’s easy to skip exercise while traveling but staying active is important for both physical and mental health. Take short walks during layovers, use hotel gyms, or explore your destination on foot. Activities like yoga or stretching can also help relieve muscle tension after long hours of sitting.Prepare a Travel Health KitPack a small travel health kit with essentials such as pain relievers, motion sickness medication, antacids, and any required prescription medications. For added precaution, include a thermometer, band-aids, and hand sanitizer. If you’re traveling to a tropical or high-risk area, consult a healthcare provider for recommended vaccinations or medications.Know the Nearest Healthcare FacilityBefore you travel, research the nearest clinics or hospitals at your destination. This is especially important if you have pre-existing conditions or are traveling to remote areas. For international trips, ensure you have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies.Bonus Tip: Get Travel VaccinationsMany destinations require specific vaccinations to protect against diseases such as yellow fever, typhoid, or hepatitis. Visit your doctor or a travel clinic at least a month before your trip to get the necessary immunizations.Staying healthy while traveling doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these tips—hydrating, sleeping well, maintaining hygiene, eating wisely, staying active, and preparing for potential health issues—you can enjoy your journey without compromising your well-being. Safe travels!
Diabetes sendiri merupakan penyakit yang disebakan oleh tingginya kadar gula darah akibat gangguan pada pankreas dan insulin. Untuk itu mari cegah Diabetes dengan perilaku CERDIK:Cek kesehatan secara teraturEnyahkan asap rokok.Rajin melakukan aktivitas fisik minimal 30 menit sehariDiet yang seimbang dengan mengkonsumsi makanan sehat dan gizi seimbangIstirahat yang cukupKelola stress dengan baik dan benar.Selain itu menjaga pola makan juga sangat berpengaruh dalam mengendailkan diabetes. Unutk itu kita bisa menerapkan prinsipm diet diabetes dengan aturan 3J:Jumlah makanan yang dikonsumsi disesuaikan dengan BB memadai yaitu BB yang dirasa nyaman untuk seorang diabetesi Jumlah makanan yang dikonsumsi disesuaikan dengan hasil konseling giziJenis makanan utama yang dikonsumsi da[at disesuaikan dengan konsep piring makan model TJadwal makan terdiri dari 3x makan utama dan 2-3x makanan selingan mengikuti prinsip porsi kecilsumber:p2ptm.kemkes.go.id
A health checkup is a thorough assessment of your overall health, typically conducted by a healthcare professional. It involves various diagnostic tests, physical exams, and health screenings to identify underlying conditions, even before symptoms arise. Regular health checkups play a vital role in preventive healthcare, as they help detect issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and certain cancers early, making treatment more effective.Benefit Of Regular Medical CheckUp:Early Detection of Health Problems : The most significant benefit of health checkups is the early detection of potential health problems. Conditions like high cholesterol, diabetes, and certain cancers may not initially show symptoms. However, with regular screenings, you can catch these problems early and prevent complications. Early diagnosis increases the chances of successful treatment and recovery.Monitoring Chronic Conditions : Suppose you have any existing health conditions, such as asthma, hypertension, or heart disease. In that case, regular health checkups allow your doctor to monitor your progress. This ensures that your treatment plan is adjusted and helps manage chronic conditions more effectively.Prevention of Future Health Issues : In addition to identifying existing health problems, regular checkups allow healthcare professionals to provide advice on how to prevent future issues. Your doctor might recommend lifestyle changes, including a healthier diet, increased physical activity, or stress management techniques, which can significantly improve your overall health.Improved Health Outcomes : Regular health screenings lead to better overall health outcomes. By identifying risk factors early, you can take proactive steps to mitigate them. For example, regular blood tests can identify deficiencies or imbalances that may affect your health over time, allowing you to make timely adjustments to your lifestyle and medical care.What Should You Expect During a Health Checkup?A typical health checkup involves a range of tests and evaluations, depending on your age, medical history, and health risks. Typical components of a health checkup include:Physical Examination: Checking your vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, and weight.Blood Tests: Assessing cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and other key health indicators.Immunizations: Ensuring that your vaccinations are up to date, especially for travel or age-specific immunizations.Cancer Screenings: Depending on your age and risk factors, tests like mammograms, colonoscopies, or skin exams may be recommended.Lifestyle Assessment: Discussing diet, exercise habits, mental health, and other lifestyle factors.How Often Should You Have a Health Checkup?The frequency of health checkups varies based on your age, health history, and risk factors. Generally, it’s recommended that adults undergo a checkup at least once a year. Your doctor may recommend more frequent visits if you have chronic conditions or a family history of certain diseases.Prioritize Preventive Care with Regular Health CheckupsRegular health checkups are essential for maintaining good health and preventing severe conditions. They offer the opportunity for early detection, better management of existing health issues, and prevention of future health problems. Schedule your next health screening today and take proactive steps towards a healthier future.For more information on preventive healthcare and the importance of health checkups, contact our clinic today!
Traveling is an exciting opportunity to explore new places, but it can also impact your health. Long flights and unfamiliar foods can pose several challenges that may disrupt your well-being. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, maintaining good health is essential to enjoy your trip fully. In this article, we will discuss the top travel health tips to help you feel your best while on the go.Stay HydratedTraveling frequently requires many hours on airplanes or vehicles, which can lead to dehydration. Dehydration may cause fatigue, headaches, and difficulty concentrating. To stay hydrated during your journey, keep a refillable water bottle and drink plenty of fluids. It's also best to avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, as both can further dehydrate your body.Prioritize SleepJet lag and irregular schedules can disrupt your sleep cycle, making adjusting to a new time zone harder. To combat this, try to maintain a consistent sleep routine. Pack a travel pillow, eye mask, and earplugs to ensure a good night’s rest, even on long flights.Practice Good HygieneAirports, train stations, and public restrooms are hotspots for germs. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer when soap isn’t available. Wipe down surfaces like airplane trays, armrests, and hotel remotes with disinfectant wipes to minimize the risk of infections.Choose Healthy FoodsIndulging in local cuisine is part of the travel experience but be mindful of what you eat. Avoid raw or undercooked foods, especially in places with questionable food safety standards. Stick to bottled water, and peel fruits and vegetables yourself. Eating balanced meals with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and proteins can help sustain your energy during your trip.Stay ActiveIt’s easy to skip exercise while traveling but staying active is important for both physical and mental health. Take short walks during layovers, use hotel gyms, or explore your destination on foot. Activities like yoga or stretching can also help relieve muscle tension after long hours of sitting.Prepare a Travel Health KitPack a small travel health kit with essentials such as pain relievers, motion sickness medication, antacids, and any required prescription medications. For added precaution, include a thermometer, band-aids, and hand sanitizer. If you’re traveling to a tropical or high-risk area, consult a healthcare provider for recommended vaccinations or medications.Know the Nearest Healthcare FacilityBefore you travel, research the nearest clinics or hospitals at your destination. This is especially important if you have pre-existing conditions or are traveling to remote areas. For international trips, ensure you have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies.Bonus Tip: Get Travel VaccinationsMany destinations require specific vaccinations to protect against diseases such as yellow fever, typhoid, or hepatitis. Visit your doctor or a travel clinic at least a month before your trip to get the necessary immunizations.Staying healthy while traveling doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these tips—hydrating, sleeping well, maintaining hygiene, eating wisely, staying active, and preparing for potential health issues—you can enjoy your journey without compromising your well-being. Safe travels!
Diabetes sendiri merupakan penyakit yang disebakan oleh tingginya kadar gula darah akibat gangguan pada pankreas dan insulin. Untuk itu mari cegah Diabetes dengan perilaku CERDIK:Cek kesehatan secara teraturEnyahkan asap rokok.Rajin melakukan aktivitas fisik minimal 30 menit sehariDiet yang seimbang dengan mengkonsumsi makanan sehat dan gizi seimbangIstirahat yang cukupKelola stress dengan baik dan benar.Selain itu menjaga pola makan juga sangat berpengaruh dalam mengendailkan diabetes. Unutk itu kita bisa menerapkan prinsipm diet diabetes dengan aturan 3J:Jumlah makanan yang dikonsumsi disesuaikan dengan BB memadai yaitu BB yang dirasa nyaman untuk seorang diabetesi Jumlah makanan yang dikonsumsi disesuaikan dengan hasil konseling giziJenis makanan utama yang dikonsumsi da[at disesuaikan dengan konsep piring makan model TJadwal makan terdiri dari 3x makan utama dan 2-3x makanan selingan mengikuti prinsip porsi kecilsumber:p2ptm.kemkes.go.id
Our experienced doctors in Ubud, Bali, are available 24/7 to provide reliable, top-quality healthcare whenever you need it. Whether it’s day or night, you can trust us for immediate and professional medical care
Call Center
Jl. Raya Teges No.8, Peliatan, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571
0811 3977 911
Pertokoan Anyar Kencana Jl. Raya Canggu No.5, Kerobokan, Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361
082 321 911 911
Jl. Sukma Kesuma No.37, Peliatan, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571
0821 8888 2273
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